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Travel migration

 Travel migration

Travel migration
Travel migration

Travel migration

He said: Mecca!  You are dearer than all the cities, but your people did not allow you to live here.  Abu Bakr Siddiq Butt said that these people have expelled their Prophet (peace be upon him).  Now these people will be blocked.  At the same time, the following verse was revealed: “Those who are not nylons in their eyes, may Allah be pleased with them, it is time to consider the circumstances under which they have become Muslims so far and how they are influenced by the authenticity of Islam.”  Cathy has endured many heartbreaking and heartbreaking troubles.  Do Muslims even think that they were converted to Islam by blood or blood?  No, not at all.  Now, after the revelation of this ummah, the time begins when it has been permitted to punish those who do not refrain from wickedness and to remove obstacles in the way of Jamaat-e-Haqq in order to prevent the spread of evil and evil.  ۔  Now consider blindly and keep in mind how people enter Islam.  The short caravan left in the first part of the night and the next day came on a hot journey till the afternoon of the 8th of Rabi al-Awwal.  About noon the tent reached the Umm Ma'bad.  This old woman was from the nation's treasury and used to provide water etc. to the travelers.  Here he drank goat's milk and rested for a while and then ordered to leave.  It must have been a little far from here that Saraqah bin Malik was chasing you from behind.  Saraqah bin Malik bin Jashim Quraysh was a famous criminal in Mecca.  The story of Saraqah is that Saraqah was a son in Mecca with a few people.  Someone came to the gathering and said, "I have seen three camel riders knowingly."  He was pointing in that direction.  I think they were Meh (Salam) and his companions.  Upon hearing this, Saraqa signaled the man to be quiet and said, "I know he was the one who left tonight."  Saraqa's demand was that I should be arrested, no other person should stand up among them

Be  Otherwise, I will not get the reward of one hundred camels.  After a while Saraka got up and came to her house.  He hoisted his horse and weapon out of the city with a check and escaped from the sight of the people. Pancha got armed and rode on the horse and set off very fast in the footsteps of Otu.  Just a few steps away the horse stumbled and Saraqah fell, got on and walked.  He expected me to capture or kill D (Sam) and get a reward of a hundred camels.  When the camels of Nabi Akram Saleem and his companions started appearing in front of him, his horse ate again and his forelegs got stuck in the ground up to his knees - Saraqah fell from the ground to the ground  ۔  Nabi Akram came very close to the accused's ride and his horse fell to the ground up to his stomach and Saraqa was coming to the ground.  Seeing this, he was frightened and thought that I could not touch him.  So he raised his voice and asked the Holy Prophet to listen to one more thing.  You stopped the ride.  "I came to arrest the accused but now I am going back and I have been apologizing to you for years," Saraqa said.  Write me an order and forgive me.  In return, I will take back other people who are following me for the same purpose.  So, by the order of his head, Abu Bakr Siddiq was made or his servant Amir ibn Namir and Tabitah, while sitting on a camel, wrote a speech and put it towards him, and he took the corpse to Mecca.  Along the way, he was followed by other people following the Holy Prophet.  He told everyone this and went back without tracing.  Saraqa became a Muslim after the conquest of Makkah and made her writing a document for herself on the day of the conquest of Makkah.  Departing from Mecca in Marthaur Lane, Abd al-Taman took Muslim to the beach.  From Maqam-e-Astan and a short distance all the way, Maqam continued to travel towards Maqam under him.  Then he cut the common road and kept crossing the distance in the field of escape.

I passed Al-Ababid, Al-Araj.  A camel of this caravan of Saqat got tired while walking in the Shi valley of Al-Araj.  There a man from the tribe of Aslam and John took a camel from me.  Aws bin Hajar also made a name for himself with you.  From there it made its way to the Caf شن Shin Cave and smelled in the Rem Valley.  Walking from the valley of Rem, they became close to Kaaba at noon.  Shortly after the return of Maraqah bin Malik, Zubair bin Awwam met a large caravan returning from Syria.  Zubair ibn Awwam Bala, in the service of his knowledge, said that he too would become Mecca and reach Madinah soon.  In this journey, wherever people met, they knew Abu Bakr Siddiq, because he used to come and go often because he was a trader, but people were not familiar with the Holy Prophet.  That's why he used to ask his son who is going ahead of you.  Abu Bakr al-Alan would answer them

End journey

After an eight-day journey, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) reached near Taba at noon.  Qaba is a few miles from Madinah and was considered a mahalla of Ma Binah.  The people of the tribe of Bani Amr ibn Awf lived in large numbers there and were enlightened by the light of Islam.  The news of his departure from Makkah had reached Madinah five days ago.  Therefore, the Ansar of Madinah used to come out of their hands till two o'clock in the afternoon and wait for the year that you would see coming from the Saleem era.  When the sun became too bright and unbearable, they would return to their homes.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was near the kaaba at noon, so the qabat enthusiasts waited at that time and went back to their homes.  A Jew who used to give Jim Ghafir to the Muslims every day while waiting outside

And he knew that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was coming from Makkah.  At that time he was on the roof of his house.  He saw this short caravan of Nabi Akram Naqi coming from afar and thought that I was the caravan in which Nabi Akram Salam was coming.  So he shouted aloud: O Arabs of the Arab world, this is the first word of the Qur'an, O Groom of the Arabs, O you who rest at noon!  This is your desire or your source of happiness. ”As soon as they heard the voice, people rushed out of their houses and there was a noise of joy in all the clothes.  The Ansar saw that you were coming from a garden of rotten palms.  Abu Bakr Siddiq Manan thought that people should not have any doubt about the father of Rasoolullah Nai, who is Rasoolullah Sri?  And you followed him and covered your year with your chador, which made it easy to distinguish between master and servant.  You entered the name Qaba.  The little girls of Ansar were reading this in excitement as you entered the year.  Al-Badr rises on us from the farewell prayers and we are thankful for what we pray to God.  As long as someone is praying.  We have to be thankful.  We have not heard of him being sent!  You have come up with a name that must be obeyed.  Fidelity means goodbye.  When the people of Madinah sent someone to Mecca, they would come to these valleys to say goodbye to him.  That is why his name was Saniyat-ul-Wada '.

You entered all the qabas on Monday and stayed here till Friday.  Nabi Akram was sold in the house of Sunni Kulsoom bint Adham Pattan and in the house of Abu Bakr Siddiq and Habib bin Asan Pattan.  In the house of Saad bin Khathiya Malta, you used to hold a million gatherings.  Lane Sa'd ibn Khathiyah People used to come to his house if he used to visit Taslim and you used to live around him.  In Qaba, Aap Salam laid the foundation of a mosque for him in a few days and it was the first mosque to be built in Islam.  After that, on the 3rd of Ranj-ul-Awal, he left Madinah and entered Madinah.  He was just sitting in Salam's robe when Ali also came to Salam's service.  Ali Janat made the journey on foot from Makkah to Madinah.  As long as he remained in Tar-e-Thaur, Ali Butt remained in Makkah and continued to entrust the trusts to the people.  Mujeeb agrees that on the day when Prophet Akram Sang Nar left for Madinah, one day Ali Baliz also left Makkah for Madinah.  But since Ali Shi left then, you walk with me at night and do not hide during the day.  Nabi Akram Saleem did not visit the well-known road and in eight days he came to the well-known road behind the kaaba, but qabasince he was a peel, he reached the  three or four days later.

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