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Principle belief


Principle belief
Principle belief

Genres monotheism

The prophet (peace and blessings of allaah be upon him) said: "o Allah! This is the greatest (work) which Allah almighty has commanded: qal (may Allah be pleased with him) said: he sees that Allah is alone. "And he said," and I created the jinn and the ence only to worship the art 56." "I have created jinn and humans just because they worship only me." And he said: worship Allah, and worship allaah, and do not associate anyone with him. "there are three types of tawheed (1) tawheed rabbis (4) tawheed divinity (3) tawheed asma (attributes).

( 1 )   Monotheism

In creating and running this (where) Allah has believed to be alone and united and that he alone is the provider of sustenance, the giver of life, the giver of death, and for him alone is the property of the earth and the heavens. Allah almighty says: is there any creator other than Allah, who can provide easy and easy access to the earth? There is no god but he. So where do you turn away? And allaah said: blessed be the one who holds the king in his power over all things (king 1)

Most blessed is Allah who has a kingdom in his hand and who has power over everything. And his dominion is at every gram of the universe, and in this way only does what he wants. And as far as managing is concerned, he manages all your creatures. Allah almighty said: remember the Lord of the worlds (al-arafah 54), it is special for Allah to be creator and ruler. Allah is the Lord of all the worlds. Apart from a few people, no one has denied this kind of tawheed (monotheism), and they (too) have apparently denied it, but they confess from within their hearts. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning) : (al-namal: 14) they refused only because of injustice and arrogance, although their hearts had believed. It is not only beneficial for those who confess tawheed rabbis, because the confession of tawheed rabbis did not benefit the participants. Allaah has given them the words related to them. He said: (the people of the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon and the moon) are the source of death. And if you ask them who is the creator of the earth and the sky and the one who puts the sun and the moon to work, then their answer will be that allaah. Then where are they going for? "(spider (1)

( 2 ) Monotheism divinity

In all forms of worship, only one should be considered to allaah alone, and man should not worship anyone else with allaah, nor should he try to get closer. Monotheism is more important oorg than all forms Allah almighty has created all creatures only for one work. As Allah says: "I have created the jinn and the human beings to worship only me." It is he who is the oneness of Allah, by giving it to the messengers, and send down the books for that purpose.

Allah (SWT) said: the prophet (peace and blessings of allaah be upon him) revealed to him whatever messenger we sent before you: there is no god but me, so worship me all alone. That is the oneness of Allah: when the messengers invited the polytheists, they denied it. Their saying) is copied by allaah in these words. He said: "they said:" o Allah! I am the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and I am the Lord of the heavens and the earth." ". (al-araf 70) even the worship of this kind is not permissible for non - Allah, nor for any close friend, nor for any prophet (pbuh), nor for any pious guardian, nor for any other creature, because worship is only for Allah alone.

( 3 ) Tawheed asma attributes


The names which Allah almighty has laid down for himself and the attributes which he has described for himself, or the names and attributes which Allah's messenger (saw) has stated for himself, believe in them all. And this name and attributes will be proved in the same way as those which are similar to those which are similar to those which belong to Allah (in the place of the holy prophet), there will be distortion (change), and there will be no holiday (without meaning), nor its quality and total will be fixed and no example will be given. It will be considered true meaning prnmol instead of competent. And everything that Allah almighty has enriched with himself or the messenger of Allah has denied about allaah. And whatever is not explained by allaah and the messenger of Allah (pbuh) or affirmation, we will also remain silent, neither will we seek affirmation nor deny.
Examples of astani: Allah has made himself known as' al-qayyum '. So it is our duty to believe that (now) there is one (name) of the names of allaah (almighty), and we also have a duty to believe (in this name) that (jumlat) is found. Lenny and finger is a mixture of life that has not been found before and even
( 4 ) Attributes of almighty Allah
The jews said: "the hands of Allah are tied to the hands of Allah." Their hands are tied and they were cursed because of this (saying). In fact, both hands of allaah are open and spend the way he wants. In this verse, Allah almighty has proved two hands (for himself) who are well - spending. So it is obligatory for us to believe that Allah almighty has two hands (which are spacious with benevolence and bliss) and (also) we have a duty to imagine (these hands) in our heart, nor to speak with the tongue that those hands are like this, nor to imitate them with the hands of the creation. That is because Allah (SWT) says: there is no such thing as Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful. He is the all-hearing and the all-seeing. The essence of this (form of tawheed) is that it is our duty to prove to Allah (the almighty) everything which Allah (himself) has proved for himself or his messenger (Allah) has proved and negates everything which Allah and his messenger have denied. And this (principle) will run in all asma (attributes). Neither should the meaning be changed, nor should the quality of the world be described, nor the denial of money. And which adjective does not prove to be yify in affirmation there will be paused in this word the description of its meaning and meaning will be sought. If the meaning of this word is such that which is the glory of allaah, then it will be accepted and will not be left.

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