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Hazrat Usman Ghani, the last half of the Righteous Caliphate


Hazrat Usman Ghani, the last half of the Righteous Caliphate
Hazrat Usman Ghani, the last half of the Righteous Caliphate

Name and lineage

Uthman ibn Affan ibn Abu al-Aas ibn Umayyah ibn Abdul Shams ibn Abd al-Manaf ibn Qusay ibn Qalab ibn Marah ibn Ka'b ibn Luway ibn Ghalib  His surname was Abu Amr Abu Abdul.  In the time of Jahiliyyah, his surname was Abu Amr.  After becoming a Muslim, Raqiyah B gave birth to a daughter, Abdullah, and her surname became Abu Abdullah.  Uthman's son's pardon was the real sister of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, the father of Prophet Akram Ali, who was born with Abdullah's son.  Similarly, 'Uthman was the son of Nabi Akram's cousin.


He was particularly distinguished by his modesty.  Zayd ibn Thabitwali says that the system of the Holy Prophet said that when Khan passed by me, an angel said to me that I am ashamed of him because the nation will kill him.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that just as' Uthmaan Allaah and His Messenger are ashamed of everyone, the angels are ashamed of them.  When Hassan Din mentioned the modesty of a non-artistic soul, he said that even if Khan wanted a new one, he would be so ashamed to close the door and take off his clothes that he could not straighten his back.  You were three in the morning, but you also emigrated to Bush and to Medina.  He was very similar to Nabi Akram Mat in form and north.  Before the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sent, 'Uthmaan had instructed his daughter Ruqayyah Bayt to him.  When she died on the day of the Battle of Badr, Nabi Akram Maher married his second daughter, Umm Kulthum, to him.  That is why you are known as Zulnoorin.  Making Umm Kulthum is also a year.  Died in 9 AH.  Except Usman Ghani Jan, no one in the world has ever had two daughters of a prophet in his marriage.  Manaski was best known as' Uthman. After him, Abdullah ibn Umar in Oman, Ghani Januri, was a Muslim, meaning that only three people had believed before him.  He became a Muslim through the darkness of Abu Bakr Siddiq Buland.  He was one of the Companions who was very wealthy and thus was the most generous and spent in the way of Allah.  He could not take part in the battle of Badr due to severe illness of Raqiyah sign and lived in Madinah with the permission of the Holy Prophet (saw) but he got as much of the spoils of the battle of Badr as the participants of the jinn  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Uthmaan should be considered one of the companions of Badr.  Therefore, you are counted among the companions of Badr.  He had a special reputation for multiplicity in Sahaba.  He used to stand up all night and offer prayers and fast for many years.  He had bought the land next to the Masjid-e-Nabawi team with his donkey.  One year there was a famine in Madhya Pradesh and you gave grain to all the needy.  When the Muslims came to Madinah, there was a severe shortage of water.  A Jew had a well, he sold water very well.  He bought the well from this Jew for 2,000 dirhams and dedicated it.  You never lied.  After becoming a Muslim, he used to buy a slave every week and set him free.  You are also proud of being rich and did not drink alcohol even in the age of ignorance.  He used to narrate the hadith of the Prophet's team very well and carefully.  He offered six hundred and fifty camels and horses for the battle of Tabuk in the way of Allah.  In the pre-Islamic era, he was one of the rulers of Mecca.


Farooq Azam had reduced the amount by giving a three-day respite for the election of a caliph so that no one else would be allowed to go to the meeting of the hired persons until they had nominated one of their own.  Only Abdullah bin Umar Chana was allowed to participate in the polls so that the number of voters would be odd seven, but for Abdullah bin Umar's son, you had already issued the first one that he should not be allowed to vote.  Don't be selected.  At that time someone asked to make Abdullah bin Umar, so he said that the responsibility of the caliphate is less for me so that I do not impose it on others in my family and make them mushrooms from many heavens.  When a person asked Farooq Azam Jutt to nominate a caliph, he replied that it is permissible for me not to nominate anyone after me following the Sunnah of Siddiq Akbar Knight.  If I were to appoint someone after me as caliph, it would be Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah (La), who died before me, or I would make Abu Anha (Salem (the slave of the brick) the caliph. He should also die before me.  After saying this, he then mentioned the names of the six persons who have been mentioned above. Muqdad bin Al-Aswad and Awalullah Ansari Bettina, including Farooqi, passed away.  He appointed Ali, 'Uthman, Zubayr, Sa'd,' Abd al-Rahman and 'Abdullah bin for three days until the election.Omar Jinn gathered them in the house of Masur bin Al-Khurma Joy and according to others in Masha Bari and sat at the door for coffee.  Layyah was not present in Peshawar.  No one else could enter the house.  Amr ibn al-'As and Mughirah ibn Shu'bah came and sat at the Beheshti gate.  When Sa'd ibn Abi and Tass learned of this, they did not allow them to sit at the door and let them go so that they would not say that we were also involved in Asnab Shorty.  When all the people came and sat down with satisfaction, the first to stand up was 'Abd al-Rahman ibn' Awf, who said, "Who among those who have been nominated for the Khilafah is the one who declares himself to have renounced the Khilafah?"  Is ?  He will be given the authority to appoint the one who is the best among you.  On hearing this, none of the members of this short group gave any answer, all remained silent.  After waiting for a while, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn' Awf al-Jala again announced that he had renounced his caliphate and was ready to carry out the task of electing a caliph.  On hearing this, everyone agreed and gave the authority to Abdul Rahman bin Awf Bald to choose the caliph from among us whom he wanted, but Ali bin Abi Talib remained completely silent.  He did not say yes or no.  Then Abdul Rahman bin Awf Butt turned to Ali Jan and said that he did not say anything.  You also have your say.  Ali Jaitley said, "I also agree with this opinion, but the condition is that we must first acknowledge that whatever decision has been taken, we will do it for the sake of righteousness and the good of the Ummah without resorting to bigotry and narcissism."  'Abd al-Rahman ibn' Awf said, "I swear to you that I will decide on the basis of righteousness for the good and welfare of this ummah with the exception of humanity."  But you all agree that you will agree with whomever I choose, and whoever opposes my opinion and my decision, you will all help me against it.  Upon hearing this, Ali Pete and the entire assembly agreed that we would all support your decision and help you in its favor.

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