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Place of birth and childhood


Place of birth and childhood
Place of birth and childhood

The Prophet was born in the year 571 

(according to the Gregorian calendar) in the tribe of Quraish [which was held noble by all Arabs] in Makkah [which was considered the religious capital of the Arabian Peninsula]. The Arabs would perform Hajj in Makkah, and circumambulate the Kaaba which was built by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismael, may Allah exalt their mention. The Prophet was an orphan. His father passed away before he was born, and his mother died when he was six years old. His grandfather, Abdul-Mutalib, took care of him, and when he died, his uncle, Abu Talib, took care of him. His tribe and the other tribes worshipped idols made from stone, wood and even gold. Some of these idols were placed around the Ka'bah. People believed that these idols could ward-off harm or extend benefit. The Prophet was a trustworthy and honest person. He never behaved treacherously, nor did he lie or cheat; he was known amongst his people as Trustworthy'. People would entrust him with their valuables when they wanted to travel. He was also known as 'As-Sadiq' or 'The Truthful' for he never told a lie. He was well- 'Al-Ameen', or "The mannered, well-spoken, and he loved to help people. His people loved and revered him and he had beautiful manners. Allah, the Exalted, says:

But, from an early age, he had been remarked as a thoughtful man. His companions named him "Al Amin, The Faithful." A man of truth and fidelity; true in what he did, in what he spoke and thought. They noted that he always meant something. A man rather taciturn in speech; silent when there was nothing to be said; but pertinent, wise, sincere, when he did speak; always throwing light on the matter. This is the only sort of speech worth speaking! Through life we find him to have been regarded as an altogether solid, brotherly, genuine man. A serious, sincere character; yet amiable, cordial, companionable, jocose even - a good laugh in him with: there are men whose laugh is as untrue as anything about them; who cannot laugh. A spontaneous, passionate, yet just, true-meaning man! Full of wild faculty, fire and light; of wild worth, all uncultured; working out his life takes in the depth of the Desert there.' The Prophet A liked to seclude himself in the cave of Hira before he was commissioned as a prophet. He would stay there many nights at a time. He did not practice falsehood; he did not drink any intoxicants, nor did he bow to a statue or idol, or take an oath by them or offer to them an offering. He was a shepherd over a flock of sheep which belonged to his people. The Prophet said:

said: 'Yes, I would take care of a flock of sheep for the people of Makkah.' (Bukhari 2143) When Prophet Muhammad turned forty, he received divine revelation; he was at the cave of Hira. The Mother of the believers, A'ishah, with whom Allah is pleased, said: "The first thing that Allah's Messenger received, while in the Cave of Hira in Makkah, were good visions [dreams]. Every time he had a dream, it would come true and clear, like the split of the dawn. Later on, Allah's Messenger began to love being alone in meditation. He spent lengthy periods for days and nights to fulfil this purpose in the Cave before returning back to his family. He would take a supply of food for his trip. When he came back to his wife Khadeejah, with whom Allah is pleased, he would get a fresh supply of food and go back to the same Cave to continue his meditation.' "The Truth came to him while he was in the Cave of Hira. The Angel Jibreel came to Muhammad and commanded him to read. Muhammad replied: "I cannot read!" Jibreel embraced Muhammad until he could not breathe, and then let him go saying: "O Muhammad! Read!" Again, Muhammad replied: "I cannot read!" Jibreel embraced Muhammad for the second time. He then ordered him to read for the third time, when he did not he embraced him tightly until he could not breathe, and then let him go saying: "O Muhammad!

Recite with the Name of Your Rubb! Who created, Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: Proclaim! And your Rubb is Most Bountiful.) [96:1-3] The Messenger of Allah returned home trembling. He entered his home and told Khadeejah: "Cover me up, cover me up!" Khadeejah, with whom Allah is pleased, covered Muhammad until he felt better. He then informed her about what happened to him in the Cave of Hira. He said, "I was concerned about myself and my well-being." Khadeejah, with whom Allah is pleased, assured Muhammad saying: "By Allah! You don't have to worry! Allah, the Exalted, will never humiliate you! You are good to your kith and kin. You help the poor and needy. You are generous and hospitable to your guests. You help people who are in need." Khadeejah, with whom Allah is pleased, took her husband Muhammad to a cousin of hers named Waraqah bin Nawfal bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza. This man became a Christian during the Era of Ignorance. He was a scribe, who wrote the Scripture in Hebrew. He was an old man who became blind at the latter part of his life. Khadeejah, with whom Allah is pleased, said to her cousin, "O cousin, listen to what your nephew [i.e. Muhammad ) is about to tell you!" Waraqah said: "What is it you have seen, dear nephew?" The Messenger of Allah informed him of what he had seen in the Cave of Hira. Upon hearing his report, Waraqah said, "By Allah! This is the Angel Jibreel who came to Prophet Musa . I wish I would be alive when your people will drive you out of Makkah!" The Messenger of Allah wondered: "Are

they going to drive me out of Makkah?!" Waraqah affirmed positively saying, "Never has a man conveyed a Message similar to what you have been charged with, except that his people waged war against him - if I am to witness this, I will support you." Waraqah lived only a short period after this incident and passed away. Revelation also stopped for a while.' (Bukhari #3) The chapter of the Qur'an quoted in the hadeeth above marks the beginning when he was commissioned as a Prophet. Allah, the Exalted, then revealed to him: (O you (Muhammad ) enveloped (in garments); Arise and warn! And your Rubb (Allah) magnify !And your garments purify!) (74:1-4) This chapter of the Qur'an marks the beginning when he was commissioned as a Messenger. With the revelation of this chapter of the Qur'an the Prophet A began calling his people to Islam openly. He began with his own people. Some of them refused adamantly to listen to him because he was calling them to a matter which they had not witnessed before. The Deen of Islam is a complete way of life, which deals with religious, political, economical and social affairs. Furthermore, the Deen of Islam did not only call them to worship Allah alone, and to forsake all idols and things they worshipped; rather, it prohibited them from things they considered pleasurable, such as consuming interest and intoxicants, fornication, and gambling. It also called people to be just and fair with one another, and to know that there was no difference between them except through piety. How could the Quraish [the noblest tribe amongst Arabs] stand to be

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