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Hair Care Mistakes Which Can Ruin Your Hair

Are you having a good or bad hair day? Strong and good hair are a sign of good health and vitality. Perhaps that's why many people get stressed when they experience more than normal hair loss. Well, losing about 100 strands of hair daily, this should not be the cause of concern. However, if you notice considerable difference in the thickness of your hair or if you notice any bald patches, then you may want to do something about it. 


Now look into the mistakes that we make that could lead to hair loss. Firstly, we would discuss some lifestyle habits that can negatively affect the health of your hair and can lead to hair thinning. Sometimes when we are busy working and want to keep our hair in place, we tie it up tightly into ponytail, plates and buns. This causes tension at the root of hair and damages the hair follicle and leads to hair fall, thinning of the hair., tarts specially at the hairline on the forehead and can be seen in those people who have tight hair styles from their childhood. So if you have to tie up your hair when you are working use a comfortable clip or soft airbag or roll up your hair gently. 


Second, when some people notice a first strand of gray hair, they simply pull them out. This habit can damage their hair bulb and prevents hair from growing properly. If hair is greying prematurely, some people opt for natural or chemical coloring methods. Nowadays around the world, many men and women accept gray very naturally and even displaying it proudly.  


Third, some people absentmindedly, twist or play with their hair. This may be a nervous habit and can result in hair loss. Becoming more mindful of actions will help in such cases. 

Fourth, how you comb your hair really matters, in the quantity and quality of your hair. Detangling hair roughly or in a hurry or with cones that are rough can definitely cause hair loss. So always treat your hair gently. Start detangling from the bottom and slowly go upwards. It is best to use smooth, wide toothed, wooden comb. 


Fifth, head scratching due to itchy scalp also is the cause of hair fall and damages hair follicles and itchy skull could be a result of dandruff, allergy, inflammation, fungal infection or a head lice infestation. We need to seriously look into such problems and take medical aid or maintain proper hygiene.

Now move on to how to maintain proper hair hygiene. Wash hair twice a week because oil and pollutants can stick to the skull and this can lead to inflammation and dandruff. Always wash hair with lukewarm or cold water and do not stay in bath for too long. Rubbing hair vigorously should be avoided. Because hair is weak when it is wet. That is why pat it dry gently after a shower or swim. Do not use towels that are unclean or made from a rough fabric. Do not go to bed immediately after a hair wash. Allow your hair to dry naturally instead of using hair dryer. 


There are also other factors that can control to manage your hair loss. Use pillows which are made of soft material like silk which do not cause friction. Try to avoid staying out in a hot sun without protecting your hair with a cap or scarf. Avoid using harsh chemicals and styling tools such as hot rollers or flat irons. Break free from the habit of smoking if you have it and keep away from passive smoking because smoking reduces blood circulation and definitely causes hair loss. 


Lastly, avoid skipping any meals, it deprived body of essential nutrients and leads to poor quality of hair. So you see, just improving certain habits can go a long way in taking care of natural crowns you are blessed with. However, if you tend to worry about any such imperfections, practice stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga. Remember, don't let your hair define you. You are mush more than that.

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