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steripod where to buy


product like I said I was sent this

company that I'm actually not sure the

name of like I said they were they are a

marketing company this is a toothbrush

that I showed you guys in my video this

is what the stair pod looks like and it

comes in a pack you can get two packs

they sell on Amazon this pack is six

dollars so one is three dollars

basically they just look like this they

say stair pod on it and you can clip it

on and inside there is a little tablet

that the main ingredient is thymol or

tough yeah I think that's how you sell

how you say it and it's derived from

time which is completely natural it

smells a lot like mouthwash like two

toothpastes elmo's and interestingly

enough it smells a lot like my final

plus and time is actually an ingredient

in this so it smells completely natural

a lot of the reviews on amazon said that

it kind of smelled plasticky but if

you're not used to smelling something

that smells natural you might think it

smells funny but to me knowing that it

was natural and then smelling it and it

does smell natural just reinforces that

it is natural and that's in your unit

this is used in place of just a travel

case for your toothbrush and I love this

like I said in my favorites video

because you can clip it on and you just

leave it on in your bathroom you can put

your toothbrush wherever you want we

keep ours kind of behind the sink

because we don't have a toothbrush

holder so it's great you can keep it

wherever you want it's great for travel

one but it's also great because actual

steripod where to buy

when you're taking a shower even when

you're not taking a shower if your

toilet seat lid is up the bacteria this

is discussing the bacteria from your

toilet we'll go up and get on anything

which is why it's not good to keep your

makeup in the bathroom your makeup

brushes in the bathroom your toothbrush

obviously your toothbrush is in the

bathroom but this is the stair pod used

to kind of counteract that so the when

you're taking a shower we know when

you're flushing your toilet the bacteria

won't jump from your toilet to your

toothbrush each one of these lasts about

three months I think I've been using

mine for about two weeks or so and

love it guys I honestly do a lot of

people may think it's not necessary I

think it's wonderful I will probably

keep buying them after I run out of them

I just think it's a great idea and it

does protect your toothbrush many sizes

toothbrushes will fit in here so I

really like it and then there's a little

hole in the bottom so you just kind of

clip it on like so I do have the link

for you guys the Facebook site they have

a Facebook site where it's new these

days but I think you can start buying

stuff on Facebook so you'll get 25% off

if you order it on the Facebook site

instead of $6 it's for 49 so for the

pack of 2 and then you can also order

packs of 4 so a family pack for $15 and

it's BPA free it's been tested so this

plastic is BPA free so if you guys want

to purchase them the link will be the

Facebook link will be below let me know

if you check them out and I will talk to

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