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how do i buy nest aware Informational, Transactional


how do i buy nest aware Informational, Transactional

lead the people around you to higher levels of excellence. And a huge part of

that is becoming a little more educated on the communication process. Probably

one of the most helpful models of communication to understand face-to-face

interaction is the transactional model or the transactional approach to

communication. So let's dig into that. First, I want to talk about how this

differs a little bit with Shannon and Weaver. In the Shannon and Weaver

one-way, linear model, you have a sender and a receiver. But in the transactional

approach, the researchers that developed this say that we are both simultaneously

senders and receivers. That means that we're always giving each other feedback

both verbal and nonverbal and so in that way we're always sending messages. Paul

Watzlawick uses the phrase you cannot not communicate. Which is another way to

say you're always sending and receiving messages whether you realize it or not.

So let's say somebody is giving you the silent treatment and they're

deliberately trying not to verbally communicate. You're still getting a

message. It may not be easy to determine exactly what that message is but there's

still messages going back and forth. So you're always communicating. You cannot

not communicate. Another aspect that this model brings into the situation is the

context. So anytime you're interacting with someone, it's not isolated and pure.

You're in a context. Let's say you're in a work setting.

And that work setting shapes the way you send and receive messages.

Another aspect of this is what we call the "field of experience." I come into a

situation and you come into a situation with a whole set of life experiences,

values, and beliefs. And that's going to shape how we send and receive and

interpret the messages that we are exchanging. So that's a really

interesting aspect of this that the other linear Shannon and Weaver model

does not capture. Another aspect of this is the notion that in any kind of

interaction we have both content that's being exchanged, like information, and we

also have relational dynamics that are being built and established and

reinforced. So even if I'm just saying to my wife "Hey, how was work today?" And she

says, "Oh, it was okay." Now there's information that's going back and forth

but there's relational work happening at the same time. And, in fact, a very

simple example like that, "How was work today?" "Oh, it was okay." There's a lot going

on there because you can read the other person's nonverbal and there's feedback

going on you can hear tone of voice and you can read into what's happening. In

fact, you probably know this from personal experience. If someone says, "Oh, it's

okay today," It depends HOW they said it, not just the information or the content.

There's that relational dynamic. So this model through and through is much more

sophisticated and layered and that earlier video on the Shannon and Weaver

model I talked about how the model is simple but people are complicated. And in

this Transactional Model, the researchers came along and rounded out their notion

of how communication happens face-to-face and came up with a model

that's much more sophisticated and layered to help make sense of that human

interaction, in that dynamic that we experienced day to day. So question of

the day, what are your thoughts on this Transactional Model of Communication. I

would love to hear your comments in that section below. I would also like to hear

how you see this applying to professional settings specifically. How,

as a leader, can thinking in terms of this model help your leadership develop

to the next level? I look forward to seeing

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