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Be Confident In Your Performance.

Performance reviews can really test your confidence. You have to meet with your boss or maybe multiple bosses. Where the sole focus of the conversation is your performance. You're probably worried. They're going to talk about your weaknesses, challenges you haven't yet overcome or areas you need to improve on, your natural tendency. 


You'll picture the conversation, being stressful, difficult and ending really badly. Even if you have regular one-on-ones with your boss where you do discuss your performance on a regular basis. There's always that thought at the back of your mind what if they could bring something out from Left Field. This is what makes you nervous and anxious before performance reviews and it's completely natural. But in this article I'm going to share five ways you can build your confidence before a performance review so you can walk into that room looking and feeling positive and confident. 


The first thing you need to do is to know, what to expect when you learn, what the performance review will be like. What will be discussed during the meeting. You will become more familiar with the process, it will be less daunting and you will be a lot less nervous as well. So, you need to familiarize yourself with what's going to be discussed. What is going to happen. What is your manager or supervisor going to ask you in the performance review. You could do a Google search to find out what is going to be in the performance review or how to conduct a performance review. Get some information about what managers do to prepare for the performance review. Understand their process and this will help you understand the performance review a lot better. Or better still you can ask your manager the simple question, can you tell me a little bit about the performance review. What should I expect! How can I best prepare finding a bit about the performance review. The format of the performance review. The topics of discussion. Questions, they might ask you, will help you eliminate any surprises that might come along and ruin your confidence in the performance review. When you eliminate surprises, it helps you to be more confident because you know what to expect. 


The second thing, you can do is to create a highlight reel. This not only helps you to gather notable achievements which you can talk about in your performance review but it also helps you to remember why you are a great worker and why you should feel confident going into the performance review. A highlight reel is a document where you record notable achievements that you've had over the past 12 months, either in your current all or in previous roles. Think of the projects, you worked on, challenges you overcame. Your interpersonal interactions. Where did you Excel and how did you add value. What experience did you gain! Write a detailed list of each notable achievement that you have had since your last performance review. And add it to your highlight reel. Then review your highlight reel before you go in to your performance review. This will definitely help you boost your confidence. 


The third recommendation I have for you is to be familiar with your weaknesses. Weaknesses are never nice to talk about, so most people don't prepare for them. But the last thing you want is to be caught off guard, when someone asks you about your weaknesses. If you don't prepare to talk about your weaknesses, you'll be surprised, you might get defensive. You will absolutely lose your confidence if the interviewer asks you about your weaknesses. It won't make you look like an employee who recognizes their weaknesses. Who is willing to learn. Who is willing to improve and it will definitely impact negatively your confidence. What I encourage you to do is to go over the notes from your last performance review and also the one-on-one meetings you've had with your boss since your last performance review. Did your boss note any areas for improvement any weaknesses that you need to work on? What were those weaknesses and what have you done in the meantime to try to overcome those weaknesses? If you didn't overcome those weaknesses, then it's important, you make a plan to explain to your boss, how you will overcome them in the future. This process will help you feel a lot more comfortable about talking about your weaknesses. There'll be less of a surprise if your boss does bring that topic up and you will know exactly how to answer it, what to say to them. So, you can answer with a lot more more confidence. You also need to prepare questions to ask your boss. Most people go into the performance review with a very passive approach. They only expect to get their boss to ask them questions and they never prepare questions themselves that they want to ask their boss. If you want to appear confident in your performance review, if you want to look like you're really taking it seriously then you absolutely need to have at least two or three questions prepared that you're going to ask your boss during the performance review. It will absolutely make you look proactive. It will make you look very organized and it will help you look a lot more confident as well. Because you're taking control of the performance review. You can ask your boss questions about your overall performance areas for improvement the future outlook for the team or for the company or a company insights. 


The fifth thing that will help you to be confident in a performance review is to go in with the right mindset. You need to walk into that room with a positive and a proactive mindset. Don't go into that room with negative energy around you. Don't go into that room convincing yourself that it's going to end badly. You need to go into that room with as much positive energy and as much confidence as you can gather. Start your day off with something that energizes you. Something that removes all the negative energy from your mind and replaces it with positive energy. Exercise works very well for many people like running works exceptionally well. If you are going through a stressful time, go for a run after that you will feel much calmer, a lot less stress and a lot more confident as well. Reading an inspirational book the day before or a couple of days before your promotion interview can really help to reframe your mind and put you in a different mindset for that performance review. Having an uplifting conversation with a friend, so if you have a friend who just always makes you feel happy and positive and confident, organize a talk with them. The morning of the performance review finding something that works for you is really important. So you do need to be very self-aware as to what motivates you. What helps you feel a lot more confident! What helps you feel a lot more positive. And when you're in the room, don't take a passive approach, don't sit in the room waiting for your boss to ask you questions. This is why, I encouraged you earlier to prepare questions for your boss because this will help you feel a lot more in control of the performance review and will help you look a lot more proactive as well. And this all in turn will help you you feel a lot more confident and come across as a lot more confident to your boss too.

Let me know in the comments, if you have any questions about what you learned from this. Thank you so much.

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