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Medicinal Marijuana-Political drug cartel?


For years we've heard voices being pushed for having marijuana grown as a resource for nations to depend on.

And it was met with some strident noise of no because of the outcome of what drugs are doing to people in terms of addiction etc.

Today we look at medicinal marijuana, marijuana that is grown and pushed through a governmental license to benefit individuals' ailing health.

First and foremost I am not promoting marijuana I am just saying it as it is, I'm just laying Truth as roadwork for others to apply to and understand.

Now, we are living in a world of societies with billions of dollars in pharmaceutical industries that produced billions of medications, and so far we have not had a breakthrough in cancer, aids, chicken pox, etc all we have seen is that the bigger the pharma industry gets the more money it pulls in and more people are getting sicker even dying.

So what help is the pharmaceutical industry when the medication that they are pushing to the world of nations is just plain crap without any permanent healing benefits?

Why are all the billions of dollars being paid, and gained, and still no cures are taking place?

I'll answer those questions for you people one time, it's because the people are the cash cows, the scenario is to keep the people sick, and keep selling and pushing crap medication that does not cure.

Just keep individuals taking medication that could be laced with no one knows, that can slowly finish them off.

I think that the governments and the pharmaceutical companies are just political drug cartels that have a political license to sell drugs.

Drugs that individuals take and are addicted to, and just take all their life without any real healing benefits occurring.

Now as for the medicinal marijuana industry, I do feel that it's another political cartel gateway, to push drugs frequently and fast.

If these billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies never achieved true healing treatments for the people as a whole, how can medicinal marijuana do it?

I feel that these medicinal marijuana farms' are just a camouflage for the real deal which is distributing marijuana to areas safely without the hampering of being put under the scope of drug smuggling.

Who says that on the marijuana farms that are allocated for medical purposes every marijuana tree will be documented and accounted for, or how many are grown and where they are being distributed and to whom?

We all know that corruption is running wide, and we all know that it's running wide at the top, where governments' hands are all tied up in corrupted ways.

Also, the friends of friends of friends that were allowed certificates to do marijuana farms and the shareholders sitting in seats will gain tremendously from the outcomes. 

We are not blind and we have seen what marijuana is doing to people in terms of addiction to drug usage and the condition that they are left in.

So why are there marijuana farms going up camouflage for medical purposes, what can the marijuana do that the pharmaceutical medicines have not done?

I see businesses,  marijuana businesses operated by the political drug cartel, and marijuana businesses that can move marijuana from state to state by just having a certification mark from the government for medicinal purposes only. 

Easy movement for drugs that would not be questioned because there bare a political tag to move anywhere.

But why now? We should all be aware of the fact that things are never what they seemed to be, especially when the government is involved, you cannot trust what those people are saying especially the ones that have tons of broken promises at their doors.

With these things people need to always look at "Who" is going to gain greatly from it all, because if it's not truly helping the people through healing, it has to be helping someone's bank accounts through savings.

There are a lot of local and international drug seizures going on, so maybe they think that putting up marijuana farms camouflaged for medicinal purposes will always get the green light to move around and not be confiscated.

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