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Climate Change and the wicked cult behind it.


For years earth's weather and elements have been operating as they should without any hiccups, as the earth and elements know what they are doing, Earth was here long before man.

The irony and disposition of this falsehood doctrine of pushed accolades that government bodies need to end.

Men and women with the bloodstain of the innocent on their hands, the men and women who have a wicked need to control and manipulate every righteous and meaningful thing that is trying to exist to help the people as a whole.

Why do they have to continuously push the falsehood that the earth and its elements are a terrorist and a threat?

The earth which is supposed to be a nestling habitat for humans along with its natural elements and weathering forecast only has the need to flourish, protect, make new, generate to soothe and heal everything.

It does not have a disruptive force within itself to harm man or self, so why do the wicked want it to so badly, why are they constantly concocting false rumors about the earth and its elements as threats to man when in fact the wicked the ones trying to remove every good and natural way, to pushed controlled elements that they can hang onto as to control the people.

The wicked man is trying to remove every good way that is responsible for healing man, for giving them free growth and good life.

So the threat is not the earth, its weathering elements, or nature but wicked men and woman that signed up to do evil deeds.

The false narratives are all that is being pushed by the wicked who thinks that they can get everyone caught in their deception of bewilderment, but they need to know that the sheep have awoken and more are awakened to this day.

It's nonsense what they are saying, and anyone who is aligned with love and natural elements of God and mother earth will know that it's false, and it's an unacceptable lie that the wicked try to push about climate change being a threat to man and self.

The earth and its elements were perfect until wicked man's greed kicked in when evil filled their ears and hearts when evil entered their eyes and rested in their eyes and souls.

 Then flowed the greed with the intent to harm and destroy their own for wickedness' sake.

The manmade disruptive works are from the machinery of equipment that is being used to gain an upper hand to get what they want from the nations their leaders and the people of the lands.

 The wicked are just pushing manmade destructive works to try and pushed havoc on the earthly realm and people.

The false narrative of climate change being the terrorist is just a mere pretense for them to come up with a way to add taxation unto the weathering acts, with a climate tax.

Don't be surprised if they try to push a climate tax on the leaders and people of the nations.

Getting leaders on a false bandwagon of climate change to try to institute a reveling tax on the system and people is more what the wicked is after.

We are seeing nation leaders that are so easily brainwashed, beguiled, and blackmailed into joining wicked bandwagons, and some were just willing to walk right in, while others are being threatened to join.

And others are just a chain linked with the wicked occult that's trying to do earth, elements, and people harm.

The greed with the need to have more than enough, to control, to have the limelight of stages in showcases, the need to be the relevant one is leading many into hell's hole, because greed has overtaken many and turned their hearts cold and their souls dark with evil.

Getting a majority of leaders on the wicked bandwagon to implement a climate change tax in their nations on the people will have a considerable cash flow of financial benefits that will eventually meet up with the wicked man's hands.

Shareholders and the ones that scripted the wicked plans of agendas in the beginning. 

When you look around clearly one can see that nothing is being done on the behalf of the people as a whole to genuinely 'HELP' the bad situations that have enveloped many.

When you look one can see the destructive methods that many wicked men and women are using to help themselves and parties that are aligned with their wickedness, and the people are not added to the helping equation, only as targeting resources to get wicked laws passed and rules implemented to help the wicked man out.

But the days are upon us when we will see all the wicked with nothing left.

We will start to see the structures of which the wicked have built their wealth of wickedness depleted, and all of them will be off the lands, and away from the people and the people will be always secure. 

The wicked and their tyranny of wickedness and deception are coming to an end.

When the wicked start to drop like flies the blood-stained wealth of finances will not be able to bring them back.

And it starts, "The dropping and depletion of the wicked that carries the bloodstains of the innocent people on their hands.  


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