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18 Bizzare Marriage Rituals You Won't Believe Actually Exist


18 Bizzare Marriage Rituals You Won't Believe Actually Exist

rituals number 18 black bride in
Scotland there's a tradition where the
bride and the groom are pelted with
trash the belief is that if they can
withstand this they can withstand
anything in their marriage
number 17 chicken liver love in dowry
China a tradition requires that the
engaged couple dissect a chicken and
look at the liver if the liver is
healthy the couple can set a date for
the marriage they cannot get married
until they find a liver of a chicken
that's healthy number 16 fat mauritania
n-- wedding it's good luck in Mauritania
to have a larger wife as it brings
prosperity in marriage women are often
force-fed so they get fatter for the
wedding this sometimes causes illness
later in life with a woman
number fifteen kidnapping of the bride
in Kyrgyzstan it's said that tears make
for a happy marriage this was made
illegal in 1991 but up until then
parents would consent to the marriage of
any girl that was kidnapped it was even
better if she was crying number 14 tree
marrying wives of India that are cursed
in parts of India they say that girls
born during a certain astrological
period are cursed and can lead to an
early death for their husband to break
this curse the women must first marry a
tree and then the tree must be cut down
number 13 locked down love bridge this
tradition is said to be started in Italy
couples will come to a bridge and attach
a decorated lock to a fence and then
throw away the key this symbolizes that
they will be bound together for all time
number 12 Museum of broken relationships
in Zagreb Croatia a museum showcases a
collection of mementos of souvenirs and
other items that have been left behind
when a marriage fails
number 11 love without bathroom breaks
in Borneo the couples cannot leave the
house during the wedding day even if
they have to use the bathroom the
tradition is said to bring the couple
good luck number 10
mandatory tears of love for the Taz we
of people of China the bride-to-be must
weep for an hour a day for one month
before the wedding women of the bride's
family are encouraged to weep as well
number nine the doll bride in Puerto
Rico they have a doll dressed as the
bride at the head of the table which is
surrounded by gifts the guests get these
gifts at the end of the reception in
the berate broom jumping in the black
South in America during slavery times
the black newlyweds would jump over a
broom as they looked forward to their
new lives today some people still
practice this tradition number seven
bachelor and spinster balls in the
outback of Australia these are parties
for the young people of the Australian
outback they can get pretty wild with
lots of drinking and casual sex despite
the fact that some want them shut down
they continue as a rite of passage for
young people that otherwise would lead
very secluded lives
number six wife-carrying championships
in sankar jovi finland competitors from
around the world come to compete in
wife-carrying competitions this is a
huge obstacle course that you need to
complete with your spouse partner or
girlfriend on your back
number five sing sings for love in the
jungles of Papua New Guinea a tribe
paints their bodies and wears feathers
when they want to impress women these
are called sing songs as it's an
imitation of the male birds number for
salty bread romance women in Armenia eat
salty bread so they get a prophetic
dream about the man they want to marry
the man that brings them water is the
one they should marry number three
wetting down the toilet in France an old
tradition said that the newlywed couple
should drink leftover alcohol from their
wedding in a replica toilet bowl
this practice isn't very popular today
number two eloping in Scotland in
Scotland there is no laws as to how old
you have to be to marry in scotland
gretna green is a popular spot to elope
for couples too young to marry in the UK
number one Brazil women in Brazil have
it made men in many areas of Brazil must
compete in order to win a female's favor
part of that competition includes giving
them even more extravagant gifts in the
hopes that they will be chosen as a mate

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