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Future fuel | hydrogen fuel | All you need know about - Akhbaar Express

Hydrogen, I hope you all must know this word. The first element in the periodic table has atomic number 1 and mass number also 1. Hydrogen is always a very special element, even in the periodic table, it has a special place. It's neither metal nor non – metal. Hydrogen plays a very important role in our universe

Currently, we are trying to use hydrogen as fuel in vehicles. That doesn’t mean we never used hydrogen as fuel earlier. We are already using hydrogen as fuel in chemical industries to make fertilizer and for refining oil for years. The hydrogen we use in these industries is gray hydrogen which causes pollution. Every country is concerned about this global issue, there are different - different types of processes through which we produce hydrogen and we are trying to find out alternate sources of gray hydrogen because we can't use gray hydrogen in the future.

Type of hydrogen fuel

There are four types of hydrogen fuel presently human can produced,


Type of Hydrogen fuel



Carbon release

1.   Gray hydrogen

Methane and coal

Steam methane reforming

Greenhouse gas release in air

2.Blue Hydrogen

Methane and coal

Steam methane reforming

95% of greenhouse gas captured, stored and reused

3.   Turquoise Hydrogen



Solid carbon product produce

4.   Green Hydrogen

Renewable Energy


No carbon product produce

Gray hydrogen

Gray hydrogen is very harmful for the environment, it releases around 9 kg of carbon dioxide per kilogram of hydrogen production. Most of the industries in the world use gray hydrogen because it is very cheap in comparison to other hydrogen fuels. It's mostly used in the chemical industries to make fertilizer and for refining oil. We can’t continue to use gray hydrogen so for this we are trying to find an alternate source.

Blue hydrogen

In this 95% of carbon is captured, stored and reused, so we can use it as an alternative of gray hydrogen.

It is what experts think initially. Now, experts do not think it’s a clean hydrogen. If we see the long-term viability of holding carbon products underground, what we are going to do with that supply. As per industry standard, they estimated leakage rate 3.5% of consumption. In just 20 years, one ton of methane emissions can warm the air 86 times more than carbon dioxide, as per reports of Tim De Chant of Ars Technica.

Turquoise Hydrogen

In this, hydrogen is pyrolysis by both electricity and methane through the pyrolysis process. It involves decomposition of methane by pyrolysis at a very high temperature. Carbon product release in this process is in solid state which does not affect the atmosphere. Plus, it has one advantage that if we use bio methane (methane comes from biogas) in the process, it absorbs carbon dioxide from air, during pyrolysis. The only problem with this process is technology and money. This process is quite expensive than gray hydrogen and currently we don’t have better technology to do this process on a large scale.

This could be a good alternative to gray hydrogen in future.

Green Hydrogen

I think everyone knows about this process because it is in trend. Everyone is talking about this; in this process we use renewable energy to produce hydrogen through electrolysis.

It has no carbon byproduct. It is a completely clean fuel. It is considered the fuel of the future. Every country is working on this project and companies are investing in this sector. They are trying to use it as fuel in cars and various projects are also working in this direction.

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Turquoise Hydrogen vs Green Hydrogen

Both processes are good, turquoise hydrogen processes generate solid carbon byproducts which do not affect climate and can be used for other purposes like in tyre manufacture. If we use biomethane, it will absorb carbon dioxide during the pyrolysis process. On the other hand, green hydrogen doesn’t generate greenhouse gas, it is a completely environmental process. Both are at the experimental stage so I am just going to tell you about the pos of this process over each other

Turquoise Hydrogen

  1. Turquoise Hydrogen uses 7 times less electricity than the green hydrogen process.
  2. It can eliminate carbon dioxide from the air if biomethane is used
  3.  Solid carbon byproducts can be reused in other industries

Green hydrogen

  1.  It doesn’t release any type of carbon byproduct, it's a completely clean process.
  2. With this technology, we don’t have to worry about fossil fuel running out.

Out of this both, whichever emerges first as a good, cheap, and more efficient, the world will accept that fuel as an alternative.

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