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The System

 The System is an interactive game that you control with your mouse. You can manipulate the environment and the people in it to create your own unique story. The System is a game about change: how we can use our surroundings to shape ourselves, the people around us, and our lives as a whole.

The System

The system is designed so that when you are on a date, you can't see the person you're going on it. You have to play by the rules.

You can't just be yourself, because that's not what this game is about. You have to be someone else — or at least pretend to be. The system is designed so that when you are playing by its rules, you can't win unless everyone else also plays by its rules.

The system keeps changing and becoming more complicated over time. And each change means more pressure on players who were already under pressure — because they weren't prepared for whatever new twist was coming next.

The System

The system is the operation of the whole machine, including all its moving parts. The operation of a machine does not consist of the movement of one or more parts or in any external events. It consists in a certain manner of the action and reaction of those parts on each other. The system is therefore a system only as far as it operates; it is a part only as far as it reacts. If it does not operate, it does not exist, and if it does not react, there is no injury whatever to be remedied by its assistance.

I was just starting out as a programmer and I hired an intern. He was very young and had never worked with a team before, so I was helping him learn how to work with a team.

One day we were working on this big project and we had a deadline coming up. We were getting close to finishing it, but there were still some bugs that needed to be fixed, so we decided to put them off until tomorrow.

The next day came around and we finally finished the project. The interns were ecstatic! They could go home now, right? Wrong! They still had to fix the bugs that they hadn't gotten around to fixing yesterday.

They fixed them, but then one of the interns said "I don't want to work on this anymore." I asked why not and he said "Because I don't want to do this anymore."

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