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The love of Facebook reached marriage, the love of a young man brought a girl from London to Pakistan.

The love of Facebook reached marriage, the love of a young man brought a girl from London to Pakistan

  Azam became friends with Christina a year and a half ago for a fee

  Christina accepted Islam, new name is Iman Fatima

Facebook friendship turned into marriage

  The Facebook love couple is very happy to get married.

  Condolences to the boy's family

The story of love and marriage started in May 2016 when a young man from Pakistan saw a girl on Facebook. She was living in London and he wanted to marry her. He sent her an email, asking her to visit him at his home in Karachi. But she refused because she was afraid that if she came to Pakistan, her parents would not agree to the marriage.

So he told his friend that he should go and meet her himself, but there was no way he could do that because he did not have enough money for air tickets. And then another friend suggested that he should ask his parents for help.

So one day when his father came home from work, he asked him why did he want to marry so soon? The son said that this girl had been following him on Facebook for many years and now she wanted to meet him!

His father said: "I will talk it over with my wife." But then another person got involved - his mother-in-law! It was very difficult for them because they had never thought about such things before! Finally they agreed but with some conditions: they would meet the girl

The love of Facebook reached marriage, the love of a young man brought a girl from London to Pakistan.

It was the year of 2000 and I had just completed my Masters in Computer Science from Pakistan. I was very happy with my life, but there was something missing in my life which could not be explained by words.

I met her on facebook and she started liking me slowly and then started chatting with me. After a few days, she requested me to visit her hometown in London because her parents were getting married soon and they wanted her to marry with some one from there as well.

I agreed to go because I knew that this would be the first step towards our future together. So we both left for London by plane after 2-3 weeks of knowing each other's real names and addresses through phone numbers only (internet was not so common then).

When you are young, you think that love can save you. But the truth is that real love is a difficult thing to find.

In my case, I thought that I would find love through Facebook. That was a mistake. I am sure many girls have made the same mistake.

The love of Facebook reached marriage, the love of a young man brought a girl from London to Pakistan. The girl's parents were against it and she had to leave her home country for Pakistan against their will.

I cannot blame them for this because they had good reasons for it, but still I feel bad about it because on one hand we are living in such an age where people are spending more time on social networking sites than on real life interactions with each other and yet on the other hand when someone has to face this kind of situation in real life then there is nothing more common than blaming others for it rather than taking responsibility ourselves.

I blame myself first as well because when I found out that she was going to marry someone else who was older than me by two years then there should have been some kind of warning signals which could have prevented me from falling in love with her instead of just liking her pictures on Facebook or chatting with her online without ever meeting

The love for Facebook brought a young man from London to Pakistan. He had just finished school, but he spent all his free time on Facebook. He used it to connect with friends and to meet girls. One day, he met a girl from England who fell in love with him instantly. They started spending time together and soon they realized that they wanted to marry each other.

The young man came to Pakistan and met his future wife's family. After some time, they got married in Karachi and now live together in London. They are happy with their life and are glad that they made the right decision by marrying each other when they were still young people with lots of dreams and hopes in their hearts."


The love of Facebook reached marriage, the love of a young man brought a girl from London to Pakistan.


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