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Perhaps you fall in love with someone you just met, but you soon discover that your perception has been clouded by the initial flush of love. Your feelings start to wane as the initial intensity wears off and fails to take hold.

It's possible to fall in love romantically without feeling ecstatic or tense. For example, someone who starts dating their closest friend could realize that their formerly platonic relationship quickly turns amorous and sexually heated.

Of all, even if there is no romantic or sexual desire involved, the love you have for your friends or platonic love can still be rather strong.

What signs of love are there?

People frequently discuss love as if everyone feels it in the same manner, yet life events and past relationships might change how "normal" romantic attraction develops.

If you've been the victim of romantic violence or betrayal, you might be hesitant to let your guard down once more. This can lessen the euphoria and impulsiveness that frequently accompany the initial phases of love.

In conclusion, even if there is no one method to fall in love, you'll likely notice a few significant physical and emotional indicators:

You find yourself thinking about them often.

Perhaps you often reflect on your most recent interaction or schedule your next meeting. You want to share everything of your daily experiences with them, the good, the bad, and the mundane.

If they're struggling, you might worry about them and consider ways to support them.

You might talk about them frequently and envision how much your loved ones will adore them when you spend time with family and friends.

You feel secure around them.

In general, a crucial element of love is trust. This sense of emotional safety can be especially important to you if you've already gone through romantic trauma or tragedy.

Similar to how it happens when you get home after a long day, you might notice that your tension eases when you see them.

It's common to want to shield yourself from discomfort. The development of love is frequently suggested by feeling secure enough with someone to confide in them about your weaknesses or insecurities.

Life appears more thrilling.

Everything can appear more thrilling while you're experiencing the hormone rush of love, especially if you know you'll be seeing them soon. When you're together, time could appear to fly by, but once they depart, it might seem to drag.

You might even experience a resurgence of enthusiasm and vigor for your daily routine. Organizing laundry? Going for a walk? When you're in love, it's so much more enjoyable, especially when they're around.

You want to stay together for a long time.

You can find yourself yearning for someone's company more than ever because loving someone usually entails wanting to spend a lot of time with them.

You can feel a little unfulfilled after spending time with them, as if your time together wasn't long enough.

Simply being together may be more important to you than what you accomplish together.

Another crucial indicator? Your desire to spend time with them is independent of how they are feeling or how active they are. You want to be there for them even when they're depressed, irritable, or upset with life.

You experience a small amount of jealousy for the lives of others.

Like all other emotions, jealousy is a feeling. Generally speaking, how you handle envy is what counts. It never hurts to talk about your feelings, but you might want to avoid digital surveillance and social media stakeouts.

In general, these concerns tend to disappear as trust grows.

You feel sorry for them.

You'll begin to feel intense empathy for someone when you fall in love with them. New elements of your connection, such as emotional or physical intimacy, passion, and a want to know everything about them and be known by them in return, are brought about by the strong urge to be linked to this person.