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Motivation for teaching the weak students at home

Motivation for teaching weak students at home

It is a difficult task for parents to teach a weak student at home, and it’s also difficult for teachers and tutors. The reason is weak students need special attention and individual class for improvement. Teachers or tutors can’t pay attention, especially to the weak students because they teach in groups, their target is to teach the lesson to reach every student, but average students understand the concept, and weak students are not able to understand the concept of the lesson. Ultimately the weak student leaves weaker than the others. Such students need more attention and time to understand.

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As per research on such weak students, I found many students dislike intelligent students because they tease and avoid them. Weak students don’t like to study in groups, in class, or for tuition, because they feel insulted due to their weakness. They want their parents to understand them and teach them at home because they are going to be insulted anywhere. Motivational thought for humanity

Although weak students are few in the world, the reason for the failure to understand them is increasing their numbers.

The solution should be implemented by psychologists and teachers who are especially teaching such students. They have motivated them with their ability to teach them and worked hard to overcome their weakness and they would have stood them at the level of equality in the class of similar students who used to insult them in class for their weaknesses.

We have a solution for such weak students that is my experience of teaching them at home. Let's see the following steps as practical with weak students.

Table of contents

Ø Identify your child

Ø Individual teaching

Ø Organize school material

Ø Keep encouraged and motivated

Ø Complete work on time

Ø Set goals and timetable

Ø Revision and repetition

Ø Upgrading your child

Ø Conclusion

Identify your child

This is the first and most important part of understanding such students. You need to identify if your child is not doing homework on time, playing games or using unwanted discussion, is irritating nature, is not interested in going to school, or keeping away from studying. These are the symptoms of class weakness, your child not being attentive in class. It's not his mistake, but he is not able to understand the lesson taught in class.  

You are not aware of that, you come to know about their teacher's complaints, not performing well, homework not done, weak in-class tests, etc. Then your work starts from that movement, and take special care of them teaching daily, giving maximum time and sending tuition till the child makes up to the level.  

The reason is your child is not interested in studying because he/she is scolded in the class or the tuition and even by yourself, and everyone become against the child, he is a duffer, he doesn't know the meanings of the question, he can’t learn even a single question. He may be good at some subjects like drawing, games, or regional language subjects. But not good in difficult subjects like maths, science, and English. This is the stage where you must know the status of your child.  How to teach our child at home

Individual teaching

Students who are not able to understand what is taught in the class as compared to other students, it means they are weak in the class. Teachers’ target is to complete the syllabus, they forget to keep an eye on the weak students, and they target the average students.

The weak student’s attention is not in the class, they get a gap to understand the concept and become weak in the class. Your teaching is required to make your child at that level from where the concept is not clear. If it is for a long time then your child needs to study at double speed to cover up his study to the class level so that your child could be average in the class. How to concentrate on studying for many hours

Every work needs to be done on the same day, and nothing should be pending for the next day, this is the way of understanding the concept. Otherwise, students will always be weak in class. Such students need individual teaching because they don’t like to study in groups due to weaknesses.

Organize school material

As individual teachers or guardians or parents, you need to check all the subjects, books, copies, and daily work mentioned in the student’s diary. Parents need to check their dairy every day, and teachers' instructions need to be followed.

Your child must have all the school materials like books, copies, writing material, stationery, and whatever is required for the study. Shortages of things take time to complete, it's also a kind of weakness.  

Students require more attention and more learning, for this, parents must organize all essential materials according to the subjects. This saves students time to show efficiency in class. Improvement of a weak student at home will be a positive result in school under different circumstances.

Keep encouraged and motivated

Parents need to make sure to encourage students. They should not be scolded and they must be encouraged to learn and improve their confidence. Weak students think they have memory problems and they can't learn long and big sentences.

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But you need to explain to them, every student has the same problems. Some want to learn it, some want recognition in the class, some want to learn to pass the exams, and some want to be the best in the class. Some students want to leave the class because they don’t know the importance of education. Now it's your time to handle him politely, not by insulting him. It's not his mistake, it's your carelessness for being dependent on the school.

Complete work on time

Students’ daily work needs to be completed every day. Weak students do not complete their classwork and homework on time, the reason is they are not able to understand how to do the work. They need to complete their work with a clear understanding. If you are not able to understand you also need to take the help of a teacher or tutor.

Parents may encourage the student to complete their work and make him equal to the class. That is the reason for failing or low score marks in the class.

Set goals and timetable

You need to set a goal and a proper study timetable. And work according to the timetable, and motivate your child by offering gifts for each achievement of completing study in a better manner without insulting them.

Don’t scold them for the work but appreciate each work, this motivation will work for your child to complete all his work and will set a level according to the timetable.

Revision and repetition

If your child has improved and his study has been upgraded to the level of other students then he must be advised for proper repetition. Revision makes them more confident about the previous lessons. How to concentrate on studying for many hours

Everyday practice will make them confident and familiar with the vocabulary and all subjects. The revision will help them to learn more and achieve more in life. Like this, your child will start taking an interest. How to teach our child at home

Only a few percent of students like to study. Most students avoid studying, it's a good gift that some students like to study too much, and it’s bad for those who want to study but they are not getting such an environment because they are born into poor families. They are away from all facilities being provided by rich families.   

Upgrading your child

All the above guidelines will help your child to improve in their study, in the beginning, don’t try to make them brilliant, just train them to upgrade and run with a similar class level. And after some months try to develop their mind as a competitor, don’t praise the other child as he is better than him. Just advise him you can do better than him.

There will be many excuses in your child’s mind such as saying his friend is very intelligent in the class, he has very good learning power. These excuses need to be accepted but you need to change his mindset, and advise him that God has given equal minds to all, but by practice, they have improved their mind, which is a daily practice, and learning all lessons and revising every day.

Your child may ask if he doesn’t remember anything for a long time, but his friend can learn it at times. Your child may be giving an example of his classmate, he is jealous of his friend, that jealousy is not good a manner, but that jealousy may change him to learn more as a competitor. Motivational thought for humanity

You need to advise at that time, why his friend is so intelligent because he reads every day, he learns all the lessons, he completes all his work properly, that’s the reason he understands every lesson, every single word. But your child also needs to be at that level. It's not a miracle of god, it's just daily practice, and their parent's guidance is always with them.


All the above practices are needed to develop your child, no need for any psychologist or doctor or motivator, or special individual teacher. You are the best teacher for your child, what you can do with your child nobody else can do like you, because it is a matter of challenge to upgrade your child.

I have applied all these tricks to some students, my first experience applied to a 10th- standard student, her parents were not very qualified to teach their child, and she failed in some subjects and passed in other subjects with passing marks, she was so weak in maths and English in first half yearly exams. Her understanding was very weak, I took responsibility, and in the final exams, with the practice of only three months, she passed with 62% marks.

So nothing is impossible, I did all that by teaching for one hour every day and giving her the work of four hours to study every day. It was possible by practicing and revision.  Her confidence improved and she was confident to pass with good marks. And achieved the first division. There is not only one student I have applied with many students and upgraded them to cover their studies.

My advice to the nation is no one is born with a duffer mind, they are not advised on the proper way to grow in life. If you think this article helps you, please follow it and share it with needy people. I want the people who are worried about their child’s weak mind, they must get this guideline to improve their child.

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