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The TRUTH- No one can hold it down.


Truths are always out there for everyone to see, it is just that some individuals have adapted to societies of manipulation lies, and deception, and they are so blinded that they forgot and don't know how to understand truths.

The disclosure of foreign entities and objects to earth is not being discovered and individuals should have already known that they are not alone in this vast area of universal space of galaxies and planetary existing systems.

humankind is to earth as there are others to existing planets out there.

It should not have been a surprise for some the disclosure of foreign bodies and objects that utilizes earth air space and others.

And it should not be a surprise to know that some areas are also being manipulated cloaked and used to infiltrate by mankind themselves. 

A babe coming from its mother's womb would have already known that it is not alone in this planetary form.

During one's life span there is always an open window or windows that open to show up the shadows of doubt and sometimes individuals just push what they acknowledge on a back burner just making it seem like something not real.

Many individuals awaken and conscious to understand deception manipulation in mask and they do know how to master themselves against such threats

But many are still asleep in a comatose state of manipulation and control and they need to snap out of it and wake up and take back control of themselves, and the will power of which they have as a beneficial tool in life 

The willpower should never be overthrown or taken advantage of, it should never be handed overhand to bad causes or people that are just out to use and abuse that significant part of oneself. 

The true reasoning to understand the conscious self should always be able to know the difference it should have never been a surprise but a confirmation one should have known from some of the open windows viewing that was gathered.

A great structure will always stand when its foundation has been sealed and reinforce to maintain any blunt arsenal of force thrown at it. 

And in so saying so it goes for man, the inner force can uphold anything it is just for the individuals to know to understand what they are up against and be able to control balance themselves against any impact.

So many things are being covered up by the hands of many.

The mind and hands of man are like a graveyard it carries many bodied agendas and ways that is hidden and buried in secrecy, but in time all comes out.

The truth to all matters the base of the agenda propaganda and hypocrisy the cover-ups, the manipulation the deceit and the secrets truth always shows a brighter light on them all it is just a matter of time and I assure you that when it happens there will be many viewings.

True knowledge is out there for everyone, individuals just need to hold on to its guiding factor to tap into the knowledgeable aspects that will clarity as it showup unedified movements, etc.

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