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Main Memory/Primary Memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory | Types of Computer Memory | Advantages & Disadvantages

Types of Computer - Memory

Main Memory/Primary Memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory | Types of Computer Memory | Advantages & Disadvantages

Memory is simply sorted of a human brain. it's accustomed store information and directions. computer storage is that the space for storing within the laptop, wherever information is to be processed and directions needed for process area unit hold on. The memory is split into a sizable amount of tiny components known as cells. 

Every location or cell features a distinctive address, that varies from zero to memory size minus one. as an example, if the pc has 64k words, then this memory unit has sixty-four * 1024 = 65536 memory locations. The address of those locations varies from zero to 65535.

Memory is primarily of 3 sorts sorts

Cache Memory
Primary Memory/Main Memory
Secondary Memory
Cache Memory

The cache memory may be a terribly high-speed semiconductor memory that may speed up the hardware. It acts as a buffer between the hardware and also the main memory. it's wont to hold those components of knowledge and program that square measure most often employed by the hardware. The components of knowledge and programs square measure transferred from the disk to cache memory by the software, from wherever the hardware will access them.

Main Memory/Primary Memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory | Types of Computer Memory | Advantages & Disadvantages
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The advantages of cache memory square measure as follows −

  • Cache memory is quicker than main memory.
  • It consumes less time interval as compared to main memory.
  • It stores the program which will be dead at intervals a brief amount of your time.
  • It stores knowledge for temporary use.


The disadvantages of cache memory are as follows −
  • Cache memory has limited capacity.
  • It is very expensive.

Primary Memory (Main Memory)

Primary memory holds solely that knowledge and directions on that the pc are presently operating. it's a restricted capability and knowledge is lost once power is changed. it's usually created of semiconductors. These reminiscences don't seem to be as quick as registers. the info and instruction needed to be processed reside within the main memory. it's divided into 2 subcategories RAM and storage.

Main Memory/Primary Memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory | Types of Computer Memory | Advantages & Disadvantages
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Characteristics of Main Memory

  • These are semiconductor memories.
  • It is known as the main memory.
  • Usually volatile memory.
  • Data is lost in case power is switched off.
  • It is the working memory of the computer.
  • Faster than secondary memories.
  • A computer cannot run without primary memory.

Secondary Memory

This type of memory is additionally called external memory or non-volatile. it's slower than most memory. These are used for storing data/information for good. hardware directly doesn't access these reminiscences, instead, they're accessed via input-output routines. The contents of secondary reminiscences are initially transferred to the most memorable, and so the hardware will access it. as an example, disk, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.

Main Memory/Primary Memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory | Types of Computer Memory | Advantages & Disadvantages
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Characteristics of Secondary Memory

  • These are magnetic and optical memories.
  • It is known as backup memory.
  • It is a non-volatile memory.
  • Data is permanently stored even if power is switched off.
  • It is used for the storage of data on a computer.
  • A computer may run without secondary memory.
  • Slower than primary memories.

Random Access Memory

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the internal memory of the central processor for storing information, program, and program result. it's a read/write memory that stores information till the machine is functioning. As presently because the machine is changed, information is erased.

Main Memory/Primary Memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory | Types of Computer Memory | Advantages & Disadvantages

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