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Impact of Unemployment in India during coronavirus


Impact of Unemployment in India due to corona-virus

Unemployment in India has been always a problem and the coronavirus has affected several economic sectors. Problems of unemployment need to be solved and we have to take the necessary steps to get back to normal life again.    

As per the data of the Center for Monitoring the Indian Economy's unemployment rate is 11.58%. About 18 million people have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus; most of them were depending on shops, restaurants, molls, and daily wage earnings.


They all were depending on the jobs being provided by the small-scale industries. This unemployment has affected most of the people of 45 years, who have migrated to their native places like villages. Some of them are still surviving for food and living hand to mouth.  Effect of corona-virus in the education of India

People migrated to villages

This was the fact that the people the earned or ran their families used to migrate from villages to cities for jobs. But during corona-virus, it’s just opposite to the fact, that people migrated to villages depending on their traditional works.

They felt safer in their villages than in cities, due to the coronavirus and unemployment as well. Most of the laborers and daily wages workers have been shifted to villages, they have started to work in the village till the further situation is under control.

Survives due to shut down

Most of the cases of survivors shut down because,most of the young people are badly affected by this pandemic and most of them were working in shops, hotels and restaurants, and molls.

These areas are where the young people works, which were closed during the lock-down. All these people are surviving, even though these shops are not yet opened fully. They are not able to find a job anywhere else. 

Job VS Internal loss

People who are having jobs are also affected due to the coronavirus, their salary has been deducted by the organizations and paid as the minimum possible. They may be getting low paid or as per fewer working hours; this may be because of low sales of the shops and restaurants.   Effect of corona-virus in the education of India

Having jobs these people are facing internal losses, and surviving on many things, they are also living a normal life.

Some people who have not been shifted

Some people who have been settled in cities. They didn’t leave these cities, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Gujrat, Chandigarh, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad. These cities are mostly providing jobs to the people in private companies. So they are settled permanently in these cities.

But they are not migrated to their villages, because they only depend on the jobs, they keep on working, even they were not able to earn more, but still depend on the jobs, such as auto-rickshaw drivers, taxi drivers, employees of private schools and colleges.

Some of them are daily wages for employees of the private sector and government undertakings, fruit sellers and vegetable sellers, open install marketing people, target selling salesman, etc.   Effect of corona-virus in the education of India

Some people have started new businesses due to corona-virus

As per the unemployment time due to corona-virus, some people have changed their profession, they have started to make masks and sold at low prices with minimum profit. It was just to start something to earn for the family.

This can’t go for long, because the mask has not so much cost that may require as daily consumption profitable business for low-class people. But some ladies of villages have manufactured on large scale and sold in the cities also.  

Some businesses have been stopped permanently

Some of the businesses have been stopped permanently, they have lost even their investment if they have started their business initially. That businesses are film theaters, Gyms, molls, and open sale of clothes, foods like dosa, samosa, Momose, chain, and chole bhature, etc. Now they have tried to do their efforts somewhere else or they may have left those businesses.

Some of them came back to the same track  

Some of the above businesses are there again, they have started their work such as gyms, foods on the road site, like samosa, Momose, chain, dosa, etc. But their sale is not as their expected. Still, they are not discouraged and again ready to stand their business.

Millions of job losses can’t be measured, but some of them are returning back to their job again, but they will be paid low and need to work more. But how to recover from the financial crisis.  Effect of corona-virus in the education of India

ESI scheme is working basically for sickness and treatment of dependents, but it depends on the eligibility of the people who have contributed to the ESI scheme, which is required to be contributed at least for 12 months.


The unemployment rate has been increasing up to 14.7% during covid-19, Through the ESI scheme it’s compulsory to contribute for 5 years then all benefits are provided to the employees for 12 months for treatment. And the minimum salary will be paid during treatment.

Some insurance companies are providing health insurance for free treatment and life insurance as per the risk coverage. These companies should plan to such insurance-based for such pandemic situations.


Based on the above all finally, I would say that it was really very big losses to the people, due to this unemployment during Covid-19, people have lost their financial status, which has gone many years back, and a lot of time will take to recover it.

Those who have permanently changed their profile, they will be not able to recover their losses. They have to invest again in their new business, and have to fight with the circumstances, and want to overcome their financial weakness.

This time was really bad for the people and, how they will recover; it’s very difficult to explain. Many of us have helped people who were not able to earn from any sources.

They have been helped by lots of people and the government has planned to provide food to those who have not had any source of income. Even till now, this has been followed by the government to provide food at low cost or free to the needy.

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