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How to know consumer’s buying behavior in marketing

How to know consumer’s buying behavior in marketing 

Studying consumers buying behavior is very important for all entrepreneurs who want to start their business and for marketing as well. Before starting any business and entering the field of marketing, it's very necessary to study consumer behavior.

Photo by - Headway @headwayio, Splash free

Consumers may be individuals, businessmen, housewives, or students who use products. But the consumers are very smart they have different characteristics which need to study. It is a very important task for beginners to get the experience of the behavior of the consumers. Before studying consumers’ behavior some affecting factors that need to be known are:

  • Cultural, 
  • Social, 
  • Personal, and 
  • Psychological factors.

1. Cultural Factors

In cultural factors, consumer behavior is classified into the following different categories.

Deprived:The people who earn less than 90 thousand annually, they are also known as below than poverty line.

Aspires: Who earns above Rs.1 lack to Rs.2 lacks annually,

These are above the poverty line, and low category income levels of people.

Seekers:Who earn Rs.2 lacks to Rs.5 lacks annually, most of the populations of India contains in this category.

Strives: Who earns Rs.5 lacks to Rs.10 lacks, they are leading maximum consumption of every product.

Global Indian: Who earns Rs.10 lacks and above, are the leaders, high profile businessmen, who purchase international brands of products. Their consumption is in the VIP category.

2. Social Factors  

The social factors are classified into two major categories, reference group, and family group.

Reference Group

Reference group gives us awareness about quality, circumstances, attitude, values, and behavior of the people, whichever they experienced about the particular products; they used to share their passion with us.   How to turn passion into a profession

Family Group

Family is the most important part from where we get lots of information. Indian culture gives importance to their families, for any kind of purchasing family plays an important role, even every member is asked before purchasing any product.

3. Personal Factors

The personal factor depends on the age group, occupation, and lifestyle. 

Age Group

A personal factor depends on different age groups, it’s varying from age to age, and a young man and old man's behavior is different. And children basically depend on the fashion or trend which goes on.


Occupation is based on different levels of jobs and business classes, every occupation has its different consuming habits, and accordingly the consuming behavior required to be identified and recognized.       How to start a business without MBA


Personality and self-confidence are basically adaptability and aggressiveness are very common to be studied. Sometimes people do not think about price, as their lifestyle changes and accordingly behavior change.

4. Psychological Factors 

Psychological factors are based on some theories, the need hierarchy theory is mostly known by their classes, and their style of living also gets changed. These categories are as follows:    How to start a business without MBA

Physiological needs

These are important needs for sustaining human life, food, water, shelter, medicine, and education, these are basic physiological needs and are primary needs of satisfaction.

Security & Safety Needs

This need is to get free from physical danger, and fear of losing a job, property, food, and shelter. It desired protection against harm. For this people use to buy a life insurance policy or medical insurance or burglary etc.

Social needs

Human beings strive to in society; this need will try to satisfy their needs for affection, acceptance, and friendship. This needs the desire to have a good social friend circle. 

Esteem needs 

Once people are satisfied with their social needs, and financial status, they need power, prestige, and status, and want to improve their self-confidence to maintain status.

Need for self-actualization

This is the highest need in the hierarchy; it includes growth and achieving one's potential. This is the category of high-profile government officials and mostly businessmen, and their needs are for manufacturing products. 

How to turn passion into a profession

Consumer buying decisions

Based on all the above, we have to study all these factors that affect consumer behavior. At every stage and status, we have to study all these factors. And then we reach the final decisions.   How to start a business without MBA

But decision making is a very important part before going to purchase or sell any products in the market which reach consumers.  

As per the study of the consumer’s behavior, the consumer buying decision depends on the following major points that need to be noted:

Need Recognition

Need recognition depends on internal stimuli and external stimuli, we must know whether the product is our need or not, it’s urgent or maybe postponed, need is recognized as per the maximum satisfaction.

Information Search

We have to find out the information about the products from different sources:

Personal Source: It’s from the family, family friends, and neighbors.

Public source: Consumer has cleverly justified the products, he checks from mass media consumers rating agencies and verified from all public sources.

External source: Consumer applied their full satisfaction; he wants demonstration to examining the products.

Evaluation of alternative

 Indian consumers basically evaluate the products before purchasing, on the following parameters:   How to turn passion into a profession

Price: The consumer may change their plan as per the comparative price concerned, and they will go for the lowest price for the same range of products.

Features:Consumers may ask about the best features of the product, with the comparative study of the same range of products.

Availability:Sometimes the consumer’s demand may be immediate if the availability is not on time, consumers may change their plan of purchasing.

Quality: After verifying all the product quality is the main requirement of the consumer.

Durability:Finally, the durability of the product will be checked, if not satisfied, the consumer may return the product or may change the plan of purchase.

Photo by Jason Goodman @jasongoodman

Purchase decision

After all inquiries, its payment time, the term of payment by cash, credit card, or finance, all facilities must be available, the customer may change it after the final decision of purchasing. As per the consumer’s demands, accordingly purchasing decision will be finalized.

Post purchased

Satisfaction or dissatisfaction and resale values are checked by the consumers. Now the perception is the process of selecting organizational senses.

Selective attention

Our complete analysis of the above process, and to make the final analysis report, will help you to the sale of the products and equally for purchase of the products.


All the above steps are very necessary to study consumer’s behavior, these are learning of every category of consumer, according to the consumer’s behavior, we must make a checklist, and then the product should be launched, if the product is already on the market it must be sold according to consumer demand.

So many customers, you will have seen in the shops, they have to buy a single thing, but they would like to draw out the maximum related products, such as a lady has to buy a sari, she will try to check at least ten and more, than she may purchase or not there is no guarantee. But the salesman has to show her whatever she demands.

It’s called sale and marketing, every consumer is different as per his category, we have to check the behavior of the customer accordingly, and then we should provide what he demands. If you have the experience, you will save your time and that time to be managed with the other consumers who are ready to procure.

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