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How to be careful of the third wave of Covid-19

How to be careful of the third wave of  Covid-19

Indian Medical Association (IMA) has urged strictly Central Government and State Governments, not to open pilgrimage tourists and religious functions at least for 3 months, which may be the major cause of spreading covid-19. Our battle against COVID is not yet over. We all must be careful and prepared to face situations.

The impact of the third wave may be more than the first and second waves. At the time of the first wave, the Indian Government had taken an early action of lock-down, and India’s decision was appreciated by the whole world.

Impacts of Second Wave

For the second wave action was taken too late, and due to that mistake, lots of people lost their lives. Perhaps, the central government and the state government had promised that they had special arrangements for facing the second wave.

But suddenly the number of cases increased in India and COVID spread not only in cities but also in villages and lost many lives. The vaccination process was also got late. In the beginning, people were not ready to get vaccinated, and as per the situation of the second wave, when all were ready to get vaccinated, the government could not avail vaccines on time.  Effect of corona-virus in the education of India

Past experience must be reminded

Now, I would say that we must remind the pandemic period, how we had spent, without medicine, without treatment, without oxygen and ventilators. What happened in hospitals, nobody would have thought about the situation. Further, I would like to advise the whole world that, we must be prepared for the third wave with all facilities.

Action to be taken for the third wave

The following points are to be notified

  •       Preparations must be in reality before announcing to the people
  •      Vaccination was not done, must be done before September
  •       Free COVID test facilities must be provided in the nearest Centre
  •       Past experience must be reminded by the government
  •       Covid-19 protocols must be followed strictly
  •       Tourist, pilgrimage, and religious gatherings must be strictly prohibited 
  •       Any function should not be allowed without vaccinated verification
  •       Health ministry should take action for the preparation before the time

If all the above things are followed properly, and when the third wave takes over, every patient must be treated well in time, so that we can control the death rates, and the children should not be affected by the third wave. 

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How to prepare ourselves to face the above situations? It’s really a big question for the doctors, what kind of virus will appear we are not aware, only we can imagine the virus. Doctors are also waiting for, let the virus to take a position, in south India, some cases are found. The study is in process.  Effect of corona-virus in the education of India

Medical staffs training

Government should provide training for all the medical staff, and new staff to be appointed, and medical students must be involved in all medical testing processes.  Students may be provided an incentive for excellent work; unnecessary pressure should not be given to the particular medical staff including doctors and nurses. 

Doctors are for treatment, not bound for the treatment, they have their privacy, and their own family life to take care of. If somewhere, any problem occurs with the doctors, they must be taken care of as the first priority. Save them first, so that they can save many others. How to manage stress in hospitals

Private Hospitals

Private hospitals are also to be taken under government rules, hospitals should not be authorized to charge more than the limit during the pandemic, and humanity needs to be maintained. They are also the citizen of the country, how can they start looting people with their own demand with increasing amount and calculation goes up to 5 lacks within weak. Some hospitals have fixed their amount for treatment of covid-19, whether the patient recovered or died. How to manage stress in hospitals

All private hospitals must be warned not to make money. It’s a pandemic period for all. Some are suffering a lot for saving their lives but others are making money. And most private hospitals are just making money during covid-19.

All private hospitals to be instructed by the government, a medical law must pass, covid-19 treatment must be treated free or at minimum cost, not more than twenty thousand.

Most of the people died due to private hospital charges, and are still not been treated well in time and the amount gets deposited in advance. They are just doing business dealing with patients. It must be stopped, this terror is the most appearance in people’s minds.

Govt. Hospital staff’s behavior         

As per the private hospital’s charges, most people want to go to government hospitals for treatment. But with the rude behavior of the Govt. hospital staff, people suffer because they have created such an environment that can’t be tolerated by common people.

All the government staff is running their own law, and their behavior is not liked by the people, because free treatment means the patient feels like a beggar.  Especially for COVID patients, there should be a priority to save the life of the patient.    

How to manage stress in hospitals

We must be helpful to all the people, whoever is coming to the hospitals, don’t be scared of the corona, treatment is required if the patient has a problem in breathing, otherwise, normal treatment can be given to recover patient immediately.

The patient must be given all the facilities, such as a bed, oxygen cylinder, ventilator, and other facilities so that patients should not be afraid of any problems. And the guardian must be permitted to see their patients for the satisfaction and belief of hospital authority. 

We all must have one ‘motto’

  • We have to fight with the third wave’ it is just like a war
  •  We all have to save our county and our people
  • We have to win the battle by defeating corona
  • Always remember we are united 
  • And we will win the battle without harming anybody
  • We have to help each other financially, individually
  • At any cost, we have to save people’s lives
  •  That will be our victory

The winner's list will be highlighted if all private hospitals will also be involved in this battle with everyone. Let’s think all the businesses are failing at this time, now it’s the time for medical hospitals and staff to scarify.

 Impact of unemployment during corona-virus in India

Let us have free treatment for all the people, who come for treatment for covid-19, and within fourteen days, if a poor are treated in a private hospital free of cost, he will advertise to thousands of the people that he has been treated well without any charges.

This message will be news headlines ‘poor covid-19 patient treated without charges in such a big private hospital’.


We need to change our thought, I am not a doctor, I am not a chief medical officer, I am just a human being, and want to the awareness to the people who are taking benefit of this disease. This disease may come to anybody; even doctors could not save themselves.

As humanity all the hospitals including private hospitals and new COVID centers will work hard and do fair with every patient, the third wave can be cured immediately, and all will be getting well in time. No need to worry, all will be get well. Don’t do unfair to the people. Everything will be all written.

Let the whole world be united, and fight with corona-virus, like a battle, we will win this war and one-day corona will be defeated forever. The whole world will start working together for the development and recover our losses of the last two years.           

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