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How to Overcome Our Weakness - 6 Major Tips


How to Overcome Our Weakness - 6 Major Tips

How to overcome our weaknesses? This question always arises in our minds when we feel less confident while talking or presenting something in front of many people. I have discussed this with many of my friends and my seniors about this weakness. 

I asked myself what was my weakness, even though I couldn’t identify what weakness is. I am qualified, smart, and physically strong, it may be shyness, or never completed a task, why can’t I do like what the people are doing on social media. we will go on talking about this issue, and what I observed, I am going to share my experience. 

Points to remember:

·        I am not talking about my fitness and my physical weakness, but I am talking about my success.

·        The weakness of facing interviews,

·        The weakness of achieving higher positions,

·        The weakness of qualifying for high-level exams,

·        The weakness of becoming something in life,

All these weaknesses are with all people mostly, and due to that, they are not able to become successful in life.

How I have overcome my weakness I am going to explain, the real facts, and how to prepare for that.

Following 6 major points are to be noted:

  1.    Weakness is based on your thoughts  
  2.     Identify your weakness first 
  3.      Accept the reality of your weakness
  4.     Take help from guidance and pieces of training
  5.      Consistency required to improve
  6.     Take action, decisions are yours to accept the challenges

1.  Weakness is based on your thought

You will have never noticed that until your weakness is not identified by anyone, you will not be able to think to overcome, it because you always think of yourself best and always blaming to others for your career and your success.

You need to change this thought, and act as if the people are following the rules and regulations. Don’t blame the interviewer for not selecting you; their selection procedure may be as per the criteria they have fixed. So, first of all, you need to change your thought. 

This happens many times to me, when I went for the interview, I tried my best and I replied as per the questions asked, but not selected. It’s not only happened once, repeatedly it had happened many times to me. And maybe the same reason happened to you.  Importance of training and development                 

The reason was there may be a formality of processing an interview, the person whom they wanted to select, that has already been fixed. But if you are called for an interview then they have to give you the time. They can’t say an interview is over. So these are the processing of an interview. You are not called a failure for that interview.  

2.  Identify your Weakness first

How to identify our weaknesses? Ask yourself, there are lots of weaknesses with us but we don’t try to identify them. If you are qualified, smart, and physically strong, but you don’t think where you are, have you been fully prepared for that what you are going to appear for?  How to speak fluent English

Here I am sharing my experience, I used to think of myself as a great teacher of English, and I have been teaching for a long time, but never try to identify myself as a competitor. When I started writing articles and my thoughts, then I realized that English has no limit, the whole world is communicating and writing, everywhere English has the same rules and grammar for speaking and learning. But nobody can’t say he is perfect.

If you are trying to write your thoughts, and articles then you will realize how much knowledge you keep and how much you need to learn more. To identify your weakness, learn, and keep learning always.

3.  Accept the reality of your weakness

As per the above discussion, you can understand reality; there are many other examples in life. I am going to share one more example. There was a training session was organized from my office, it was just to improve communication skills. At first, I didn’t register myself, and after a week another circular was mailed that, the training session was compulsory for all.

So, I was compelled to register, and I did. But it was a nice experience for me. The best tips were given to speak fluently English and we learned online. I realized that I should not ignore such opportunities.  

4.  Take the help of guidance and training

Here I want to explain about my training session, which I was going to ignore. About 15 staff at a time were communicating together, and different types of communication ideas were given by the trainer, if any query we had there, was solved online by the experts. Importance of training and development

Professor Dr. Parul was the trainer and she has given us the best tips on how to speak fluent English, which you can read in another article.  How to speak fluent English

From that training, I improved my confidence to write more and more in English. The inspiration was from there only. I would suggest to all to accept the reality of your weakness and get yourself trained wherever it’s possible. If you can accept this by heart, then no one can stop you, to step forward to success in your life? 

Importance of training and development

5.  Consistency to improve

Believe in yourself and start working towards the goal and identify the way you have selected. That motivation will lead to success in life, or to become a successful businessman, or a higher level of officer, or qualify for any exams. Here you have to examine how much potential you need to show with hard work and continue working for success.    

6.  Take action, the decision is yours to accept the challenges

If you are working with consistency, definitely, the success is yours. And only your action toward success is required. If your target is fixed, then your action is required in a particular manner. There may be many interruptions or interference but the decision is yours.

You have to accept the challenges because those challenges are the way to success. If you are not accepting that at all, again you may be going back to your same life forever.    


Life is very short if anything which you have not done in life, and you desire to become, you need guidance for that, you need to apply 6 major tips and definitely, and you will overcome your weakness. It’s my experience and I have proved it. What action do you have to take that has been mentioned above?

With a positive mindset, go forward and achieved whatever you want to get in your life. Nothing is impossible. Need your hard work and consistency. Follow step by step the above tips, and overcome your weakness.   

Related  links:

Importance of training and development

How to pursue passion with the job

How to speak fluent English


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