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Effect of Corona-virus on Education of India

   Effect of Corona-virus on Education of India

The effect of the coronavirus on education has a big change, the life of our genius students has been ruined, and they are not even getting the changes to prove their potential without the guidelines of the teachers, through the offline exams. They are not satisfied with the average marking without facing exams.

Not only in India most of the schools and colleges of the whole world are affected by the coronavirus. Some of the developed countries have taken this time as a responsible task. Some countries are just fighting with the situation for financial recovery; some are fighting for political issues. And some countries are making their power to face such situations.

Table of contents 

  1.  Need overall development after corona
  2.  Solution of the study online 
  3.  How to consider online education 
  4.  Requirement of regular classes
  5.  How to manage students feeling at home 
  6.  Recent study of education after coronavirus
  7.  Planning of teachers
  8.  Effect of coronavirus after opening schools
  9.  Online resources 
  10.  More learning opportunities 
  11.  Some habits will never change 
  12. Conclusion

Need overall development after corona

The overall development of all the counties are depending on the career of their students because students are the future of the county, some of them have to take on the responsibilities of managers, engineers, doctors, scientists, and leaders. 

All these career opportunities depend on education; therefore the best education must be the priority of the nation. The whole world is under pandemic; still, we have to think about the student’s career.   Impact of unemployment during corona-virus in India

From March 2020, corona started spreading all over the world, but our great scientists have found solutions and they succeeded to save the lives of the people. Their contributions are highly appreciated, and that is the result of the best education for the students.

Solution of the study through online

There are lots of courses developed during the pandemic time, our students started getting education online, whether it’s medical or engineering, and even for NEET, JEE we have found the solution of all. A lot of courses are being done, through the internet, you-tube, and material provided by the teachers, everything is available on the internet. Some colleges may be providing all these services free of cost.

How to consider online courses

Somewhere it’s the best for the student, who can study in any situation, and they are also able to pay any amount for any type of seminar and online courses, especially, it has been organized by the Information Technology to avail everything at home. 

But it’s difficult for some of the students, who are not affording android phones and internet services, computer systems, or laptops at home. They may have not been satisfied during this lock-down. They have taken the help of other students for awareness of government policies.

Requirement of regular classes

Educational institutions are not yet been opened for the last 2 years. Last year it was started for sometimes and again it occurred again in March 2021. Students are preparing for their studies online, but all type of educational classes is not successful online.

Some of them, such as practical fieldwork, doctor’s surgical cases, workshops on mechanical engineering, practical cooking of the hotel management, scientists' research in laboratories, etc.   Impact of unemployment during corona-virus in India

How to manage students feeling at home

This may be difficult or exceptional for the students who have to study at home. Some of the students can manage to prepare at home, they are taking help from ‘you tube’ and the teachers are also helping them by providing material online.

Some say they have to manage in this situation everything is available online, be responsible and get material online and prepared at home.

Some of the students say they are at home due to coronavirus; it is difficult to go the school so being responsible students they have to prepare and score good marks in exams with help of the internet.

Teachers are also eager to give their best tips to brilliant students to teach the students who deserve the most. Online is just a solution to run the classes, but getting face-to-face gives real satisfaction to the teachers and students as well. That is the only way to find the best students for facing NEET and JEE mains.  

Impact of unemployment during corona-virus in India

A recent study of education after corona-virus

As per a recent study government schools are connecting to their students due to the Covid-19 pandemic this month. Learning activities were held up due to the second wave of covid-19, teachers are still diverted to their duties in vaccinations centers, dispensaries, and other medical services. They have to get back again to develop the career of the students, which needs to be revised from the foundation.

Planning of teachers

Teachers and students have given time to understand the situation of the pandemic period and they must be aware of it. But now it’s required to connect students and teachers together as the earliest possible. They need to prepare for the reconstruction of students' careers. The situation of the last few months was really very difficult, we can’t forget the losses of our near and dears due to covid-19.

But most of the teachers were in counseling with their students and kept them preparing. Now they are ready to face any situation to support the students to prepare them for the examinations.  Impact of unemployment during corona-virus in India

Effect of corona-virus after opening schools

The effect of corona-virus is not going to finish yet, some of the habits and routine life will never change, some of the examples, I am going to explain here:

Online resources

The online resources will be available more than the regular activities like distance learning education schools and colleges will increase. And for any references and solutions, students will be more active and they will be able to take information from the internet immediately. This will be our effective learning from lock-down.

More learning opportunities

Online services have been developed during this pandemic period, and during the lock-down, it was the best chance to grow and develop our business through information technology. Everything will be available online and provided to the needy at their home.

Learning and earning from home was a tendency, many students have learned how to start a business online or digital marketing has taken the best growth during the lock-down. Schools and colleges are going to be developed with more opportunities; online, even during the job people can attempt these courses.

Some habits will never change

Maintaining distance, less shaking hands, online conferences will be preferred most. Some of the habits which we have learned will be continued, most of the people will not be gathering at a time at the place.

Distance will be maintained even after covid-19. Most of the conferences will be conducted online for saving time and convenience for the people. Video calling will be preferred then meeting guests. 


The most important thing which I wanted to describe is that students' behavior will be changed, and some students who were not like to go anywhere, and who are no more talkative, will be preferred to study at home.

How to be careful with the third wave of covid-19

Some merits and some demerits are there, through the learning of lock-down. Basically, this lock-down has given us a lot of things to learn.

  •     To work with all members at home,
  •        To manage our stress.
  •       To help each other with homework,
  •     To take care of children and each other, and to manage financial position.
  •      To manage expenses in less income.
  •     To understand people and to help them, and many more.

These all the learning will be important for our life, cost management, values, and so many other things are going to be changed as permanent in our life.


Related link:

Impact of unemployment during corona-virus in India

How to be careful with the third wave of covid-19




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